Hotel statistics for Ireland


There is a varied selection of hotels in Ireland. Like the large Citywest Hotel in Citywest with its 764 rooms. In Ireland Great National Hotels is a well established chain with 17 hotels.

The avarage price1) for a nights stay in Ireland was CZK 2511 in June 2015, compared to 2114 in neighbouring United Kingdom. The avarage fee in Kenmare however is higher where one nights stay costs you CZK 4756 in avarage. In the capital Dublin, the current price level is 3605.

Of the 724 hotels in Ireland, 108 are located in the capital.


Avarage minimumprices for all hotels in Ireland combined over the last 30 days. Highest avarage price was on 12/3 with CZK 2378 and the lowest price was picked up 9/3 with CZK 2127.

Large hotel chains in Ireland Number of
Great National Hotels 17
Maldron 14
Clayton 11
Travelodge 8
Radisson Blu 7
Toplist of biggest hotels! Number of
Citywest Hotel 764
Clayton Hotel, Dublin Airport 466
Ballsbridge Hotel 400
RIU Plaza The Gresham Dublin 323
Academy Plaza Hotel 304
Clayton Hotel Ballsbridge 304
Maldron Hotel, Newlands Cross 299
Clarion Hotel Dublin Liffey Valley 284
Red Cow Moran Hotel 275

List of hotels with the largest number of rooms. Citywest Hotel is the biggest one but it's not located in the capital city but in Citywest.

City No. Hotels   Avg. minrate.
Dublin 108 8.2 CZK 3605
Killarney 37 8.7 CZK 3170
Galway 32 8.4 CZK 2838
Cork 23 8.4 CZK 2889
Limerick 20 8.2 CZK 2250
Kilkenny 17 8.4 CZK 2071
Tralee 12 9.0 CZK 2250
Waterford 11 8.3 CZK 1943
Westport 10 8.8 CZK 2173
Sligo 10 8.6 CZK 2097
Wexford 8 8.5 CZK 1994
Letterkenny 8 8.7 CZK 1892
Ballina 8 8.6 CZK 2787
Athlone 8 8.6 CZK 1713
Naas 7 8.5 CZK 2097
Lisdoonvarna 7 8.3 CZK 1815
Ennis 7 8.2 CZK 2224
Clondalkin 7 8.0 CZK 2097
Clonakilty 7 8.7 CZK 2148
Clifden 7 8.6 CZK 2710
Swords 6 8.2 CZK 2480
Kenmare 6 8.9 CZK 4756
Dingle 6 8.8 CZK 3503
Clonmel 6 8.1 CZK 1815
Mullingar 5 8.7 CZK 1739
Lahinch 5 8.3 CZK 2480
Kinsale 5 8.7 CZK 3656
Dundalk 5 8.3 CZK 1790
Donegal 5 8.8 CZK 4423
Cloghran 5 8.3 CZK 3375
Carrick on Shannon 5 8.5 CZK 1611
Carlow 5 8.5 CZK 1713
Bundoran 5 8.0 CZK 1815

1) The avarage price is the minimum avarage fee for the cheapest hotelrooms combined from each hotel. According to sources.